The 100 Day Project - A Father's day Story

   The act of creating art is often about telling a story with out words and often elicits an emotion both from the artist and the observer.   Spending 2 hours each day staring at and drawing the features of the faces of the people who influenced my life, has brought up so many emotions and memories.  Many of these are happy memories.   Memories of how I met some of them, how they make me feel when I spend time with them, and memories of how they influenced my life.

  Two of those stories are about memories of my Dad on Father's Day and of my eldest grandson, Ezekiel who was born on Father's day.


  Yesterday was Father's day in the USA.   It reminded me of two stories of Father's day here in Australia and Father's day in the USA.  My dad comes from the Mt Airy, NC area.  He and his three siblings grew up in the Children's Home in Winston Salem, NC.  Over the years I have heard many stories of the life they all had while growing up in the Children's home.  My dad kept up with many of those he grew up with at the Children's home.  One of my memories was of a reunion at the Children's home eating at the cafeteria at the Children's home.  Each time we would visit that area, dad would show us around and tell the stories of growing up there.  Many of the stories he told were of the fun things the kids did, or the mischief they got up to.  I really got an insight into what it may have been like when I read the book "Tanner: "Boy Orphan", written by Fred Tanner ( One of my dad's childhood friends.

  Another fond memory of my dad is his love of Pilot Mountain, NC.  He would tell me stories about some of his family that came from this area.  I have lived in Australia for over 35 years.  Each time I come back to North Carolina to visit Dad he takes a drive to see Pilot Mountain.  It is always the highlight of my visit back to the USA.  Thoughts of Pilot Mountain always bring back fond memories of my dad and his drives to see the mountain and the areas around Pilot Mountain.


  Father's day here in Australia is always in Sept.  My son became a father for the first time on Father's Day, in Sept 2007 .   Ezekiel is my first grandchild.  I was so excited to become a grandmother but was not sure I wanted to be a it ment I was getting "old" lol. 
   Ezekiel so reminds me of his Father my son, Scott.  He is such a keen caring person.  He is an avid sports person.  He plays hockey and Cricket.  My husband and I love going to see all our grandchildren at their sports games.  Ezekiel is so competitive and loves being the best he can at any sport he plays.  He is also a very caring big brother to all his siblings and when he was younger, he would often carry them around with such a loving expression on his face. 
  Zeke, as we call him, is now in high school and growing up so fast. Zeke is a very cleaver, kind, passionate young person.  So proud of the young person he is becoming. 
